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To run a locally installed version of the angular cli you can call ng commands directly by adding the bin folder within your local node modules folder to your PATH The node modules and bin folders are created in the directory where npm install angular cli was run upon completion of the install command Alternatively you can install npx and run npx ng command within the local

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Example Find a coterminal angle of 4 Solution The given angle is 4 which is in radians So we add or subtract multiples of 2 from it to find its coterminal angles Let us subtract 2 from the given angle 4 2 7 4 Thus The coterminal angle of 4 is 7 4

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Rake angle Wikipedia
Rake angle is a parameter used in various cutting and machining processes describing the angle of the cutting face relative to the work There are three types of rake angles positive zero or neutral and negative Positive rake A tool has a positive rake when the face of the cutting tool slopes away from the cutting edge at inner side

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Pressure angle in relation to gear teeth also known as the angle of obliquity is the angle between the tooth face and the gear wheel tangent It is more precisely the angle at a pitch point between the line of pressure which is normal to the tooth surface and the plane tangent to

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